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EventSmack is a local events directory. Unlike all the other event-based apps, EventSmack is focused on the Venues near you, not the large city near you. We use local ambassadors to connect with the venues near you to manually add events. We aren't here to promote tickets or concerts, we are here to promote your local events without all the distractions. It's Friday night, how do you find out what's going on in your town? That's the question and problem EventSmack is going to solve. We are here to promote what you want to do. Join us on our journey.

EventSmack is free to use. Each Venue is allowed to post 4 free events a month, after that you'll need to upgrade to our subscription plan. Once you've added a subscription plan, you can post unlimited events to that venue. Let's compare that to our competitors who either charge by the event or by the number of people who view your event. We charge a flat rate for all your events, pay and forget and let us spread the word.

Yes, we allow each venue to post four events a month, after that you'll need to add your Venue to a subscription plan. Once you have subscribed we encourage you to put as many events as you like without restrictions on the number of people who can see your event. The whole concept of EventSmack is to let the people in your town know what's going on.

We are slowly making our way across the country, so we may have not hit your town yet. At EventSmack we are focused on bringing real events, from real people. Most event apps use a bot to search out other platforms to find events. This prevents real and verified events from being displayed, so we are moving our way across the country until all voices are heard. But don't let that stop you if you create a new business in your location. Your Town will be automatically added to the list.

EventSmack only stores basic user information that is either entered when you create an account or if you log in through one of our social media platforms. If you create an event or venue, we do of course store that information but it's your responsibility to make sure that information is meant to be shared with the public. All photos you upload are the photos that you are giving us rights to re-use. Please make sure when you upload a photo, you have the rights to share that. When it comes to subscriptions, we do not store credit cards or sensitive data. We use the credit card platform, Stripe, to learn more, please visit our Privacy Policy

Like a lot of other business listing sites, your business may already be listed. If this is the case, just hit the "claim business button". We will contact you to verify that you are the owners, once everything looks good, we will give you admin privileges and you can start adding events.

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